School of Engineering

Tezpur University

विज्ञानं यज्ञं तनुते  

Specialized Knowledge promotes creativity  


Department of Mechanical Engineering


Tezpur University started the B.Tech programme in Mechanical Engineering in the year 2006. The first batch of students joined the programme in August 2006. At the beginning, 30 students were enrolled for the programme. The present intake is however 60. Instanly the classes for the B.Tech students were conducted in the School of Engineering premises. The department offered M.Tech Programme in Applied Mechanics and Ph.D Programme in the various fields of Mechanical Engineering. The B.Tech and M.Tech programmes offered in the department are approved by AICTE. The department aims at producing skilled human resources for the industries and conducting cutting-edge research.

Mission and vission:


To emerge as a centre of excellence producing quality engineers and contributing innovative research for the greater benefit of the society and the corporate world.


i) To educate youths with a strong foundation in Mechanical Engineering.

ii) To train scholars in handling mechanical engineering as well as interdisciplinary problems exploiting their domain knowledge and using latest technologies.

iii) To imbibe human values, self-confidence and independent thinking in students.

iv) To carry out research addressing critical issues, arising from the dual problem of limited natural resources and environmental hazards, leading to the development of alternative resources, energy management and sustainable systems design.

v) To create quality mechanical engineering professionals to serve the country and the society at large.

vi) To produce human resource for heavy engineering and manufacturing industries.

Programmes Offered:

1. B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering.

2. M.Tech in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Applied Mechanics.

3. Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering

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* School of Engineering, Tezpur University, Sonitpur, Napam-784028, Assam, India *
© 2020 reserved Tezpur University