Course Plan

(Spring Semester)

 B. Tech. (Electronics and Communication Engineering) : 2nd Semester


EL 102: Basic Electronics


Electrons, a component of atoms, and their use---known as electronics---play an important role in many pieces of household equipment. Basic electronics comprises the minimal "electronics components" that make up a part of everyday electronics equipment. These electronic components include resistors, transistors, capacitors, diodes, inductors and transformers. Powered by a battery, they are designed to work under certain physics laws and principles. This course will help in building the knowledge of operational principles of mentioned electronic components and their use in circuits. These circuits are eventually used in making real life systems. This course includes:

Diodes and Transistors : Semiconductor Materials, Semiconductor Diode, Equivalent Circuits, Diode Testing, Zener Diodes, Load Line Analysis, Rectifier Circuits, Wave Shaping Circuits, Bipolar Junction Transistors, Field-Effect Transistors, Transistors Biasing, Transistors Small Signal Analysis, Transistor Amplifier Circuits.


Operational Amplifiers: Operational Amplifier Basics, Equivalent Circuit, Practical Op-amp Circuits, DC Offset, Constant Gain Multiplier, Voltage Summing.


Passive filters: Low pass, high pass and band stop filters, single and higher order passive filter topologies (RC and LC), specifications (cutoff frequency, roll off etc.


Digital Systems: Number Systems and Codes, r's Complements and (r-1)'s Complements, Binary Addition and Subtraction, Representation of Negative Number, Floating Point Representation. Logic Gates: Basic and Universal, Boolean Theorems, De' Morgan's theorems, Sum-of-Products form, Algebraic Simplification, Karnaugh Map, Basic Combinational Circuit Concept : Half Adder, Full Adder, Sequential circuit concept : Basic Flip-Flops (RS, D, JK Flip-Flop).



1. To study the physics of semiconductor devices.
2. To study and analyse analog and digital circuits using semiconductor devices.


Lecture Plan: 

Tentative lecture



Semiconductor Materials


Semiconductor Diode


Bipolar Junction Transistors


Field-Effect Transistors


Operational Amplifier


Passive filters


Number Systems and Codes


Binary Addition and Subtraction


Logic Gates


Boolean Theorems


Karnaugh Map


Basic Combinational Circuit Concept


Basic Flip-Flops


1. Lecture and Discussion
2. Presentations
3. Quiz and class tests
4. Assignments
5. Laboratory classes


Expected outcome: 

Towards the end of the course the student will learn

- What is a semiconductor?
- Why is it so important and widely used?
- How the different semiconductor devices work? Their applications in building analog circuits
- Applications in building digital circuits What is Boolean algebra?
- How to build digital circuits with minimum hardware components?



Experiments using diodes and bipolar junction transistor (BJT) : diode characteristics, designs and analysis of half-wave and full-wave rectifiers, Clipping circuits and Zener regulators, BJT characteristics and BJT amplifiers.
Experiments using Operational amplifiers : Summing amplifier, Comparator, Oscillators.

Experiments using logic gates : Digital IC testing, Realization of Boolean Equation, Realization of Adder, Subtrator.
Experiments using flip-flops : Realization of Basic Flip-Flops

Text book: 

1. R.L. Boylestad and L.Nashelsky : Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory; PHI, 6e, 2001.
2. R.J. Tocci : Digital Systems; PHI, 6e, 2001
3. A.S.Sedra, K.C.Smith, Microelectronic circuits, Oxfort University Press, 1998
4. J. Millman & A. Grabel, Micro electronics, 2nd Edition, Mc Graw-Hill, 1987
5. R.A. Gayakward, OpAmps and Linear Integrated Circuits, New Delhi : PHI, 2002
6. V.K. Mehta, Principles of Basic Electronics, S. Chand


B. Tech. (Electronics and Communication Engineering) : 4th Semester



EL 205: Integrated Circuit


EL205 is an introductory course into the field of linear integrated circuits for B.Tech ECE students that helps the students to learn the basic concepts in the design of electronic circuits using linear integrated circuits and their application in the processing of analog signals. This course mainly covers the concepts of monolithic IC technology, fabrication of circuits, operational amplifier basics, amp dc and ac characteristics, linear and nonlinear application of operational amplifier, active filters, D/A and A/D converters, voltage regulator, phase locked loop.

Objective vis-a-vis Lecture Modules:



Learning Objectives


Integrated Circuit fabrication

To introduce the fundamentals of  IC fabrication technology, IC chip size and circuit complexity etc.


Introduction to Operational amplifier 

Students will learn about the basic opamp circuits, BJT Differential amplifier with active loads, General operational amplifier stages - and internal circuit diagrams of IC 741, DC and AC performance characteristics, slew rate Open and closed loop configurations of op-amp.


Opamp linear application

Student will learn about the linear applications of opamp including V-I converter, I-V conveter, summing, averaging, scaling amplifier, integrator, differentiator etc.


Active filters and oscillators

To study  the operation and design of active highpass , lowpass, bandpass, notch , all pass filters , phase-shift oscillator, wien-bridge oscillator  etc.


Comparators and Converters

Student will learn about the operation and design of basic comparator circuits, Schmitt trigger, Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog conveters, Clippers, Clampers, Peak detectors, sample and hold circuits, Absolute value output circuits.


Waveform generator and Specialized IC applications

To introduce the concept of different waveforms and their generation using opamps. To understand the operation and applications of IC voltage regulators, Phase locked loop, voltage controlled oscillators.

Prerequisites of the course


The understanding of Analog Electronics Device and Circuits (EL-203) concepts will be required.

Lecture Plan: 

Tentative lecture



Introduction, Classification,IC chip size, Circuit complexity


Monolithic IC technology, Construction of monolithic bipolar transistor, resistor, capacitor.


Block diagram of an Op-amp, Emitter coupled Differential amplifier with balanced and unbalanced output, BJT Differential amplifier with active loads, Analysis of typical opamp equivalent circuits, Characteristics of opamp.


Open loop opamp  configuration, voltage transfer characteristics.


Voltage series and voltage shunt feedback amplifier, Differential amplifier.


D.C characteristics of opamp.


Frequency response of an opamp, slew rate, V-I and I-V converter.


Summing, Averaging, Scaling amplifier(inverting and non- inverting configuration), Differential configuration


Integrator, Differentiator, Peak detector circuits.


Log amplifier


Basic comparator, zero crossing detector, Schmitt trigger


Precision rectifier, Positive and Negative clipper


Positive and negative clamper, Sample and hold circuit.


Lowpass , Highpass,  Bandpass, Band reject filters


Oscillator priniples,  Types, Phase-shift and Wien bridge oscillator.


Square wave generator, Triangular wave generator, voltage controlled oscillator, Phase locked loop


Series and Shunt voltage regulator, IC voltage regulator.


D/A converter, A/D converter


1. Study of operational amplifier as analog computer.
2. Study the operation of basic differentiator circuits.
3. Study the operation of basic integrator circuits.
4. Study the operation of practical differentiator circuits. 
5. Study the operation of practical integrator circuits.
6. Design a first order Butterworth low pass filter .
7. Design a second order Butterworth low pass filter.
8. Design a first order Butterworth high pass filter.
9. Design a second order Butterworth high pass filter.
10. Design a first order Butterworth band pass filter.
11. Design a phase shift oscillator using op-amp.
12. Design a Schmitt trigger circuits and find Vut and Vlt from the output waveforms.
13. Study the operation of D/A converter using op-amp and R-2R resistors.
14. Design a precision rectifier using opamp.


1. Lecture and Discussion
2. Presentations
3. Quiz and class tests
4. Assignments
5. Laboratory classes


Expected outcome: 

Integrated Circuits is one of the very important subject for B.Tech ECE students. The students passing this course will be proficient in the concepts of monolithic IC technology, op-amp basics and linear & non- linear applications of op-amp, waveform generator, voltage regulator, A/D & D/A converter etc.

Text/Reference book: 

1. R.A. Gayakwad, "Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuit", Prentice Hall of India, 2002.
2. R.L. Boylestad and L.Nashelsky : Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory; PHI, 6e, 2001.
3. D. Roy Choudhury and Shail Jain, "Linear integrated circuits" New Age International (P) Limited,1999
4. Thomas L. Floyd and David M. Buchla, "Basic Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits" 2nd Edition.



EL 206: Principle of Communication


This course is the first course on Communication Systems at the undergraduate level, where the students will be exposed to the concepts of basic communication methodologies in analog domain. This course aims to prepare students for more advance courses on communication and information theory. The course is divided into four modules. The first module gives a review of the basics of signals and systems followed by a brief introduction of the blocks of an analog communication system. The second module will discuss various analog modulation schemes. The third module will discuss the radio receivers and will also make a detailed study of the influence of noise in radio receivers. The fourth module will cover the pulse modulation systems.



1) To apply Fourier series/ transform for the analysis of communication systems.
2) To recognize and understand common modulation schemes for continuous wave modulation including amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, and phase modulation.
3) To be able to describe the implementation and effect of basic demodulation techniques for continuous-wave modulation.
4) To recognize and understand common analog pulse modulation schemes including pulse-amplitude modulation, pulse-width modulation, and pulse-position modulation.
5) To recognize and understand common digital pulse modulation schemes including delta modulation and pulse-code modulation.
6) To understand the super-heterodyne radio receivers and their performance in the presence of noise.
7) To give a practical exposure to the student about the analog communication system through relevant laboratory experiments.


Prerequisites of the course: Signals and systems (EL 204)

Course outline+ suggested reading:

- Review of Signals and Systems.
- Basic blocks in a communication system.
- Continuous wave (CW) modulation and demodulation schemes.
- Super-heterodyne AM/FM receivers.
- Noise in CW modulation systems.
- Pulse modulation/demodulation schemes.

Lecture Plan: 

Tentative lecture



Unit 1: Review of Signals and Systems: Linear Time-Invariant System Fourier Series Fourier Transform Power Spectral Density and Correlation Hilbert Transform


Unit 2: Basic blocks in a communication system:  Transmitter, channel and receiver, concept of modulation and demodulation; base band and pass band signals.


 Unit 3: Continuous wave (CW) modulation and demodulation schemes: Amplitude Modulation (AM), generation & demodulation; Modified forms of AM-Double sideband suppressed carrier (DSBSC), single sideband suppressed carried (SSBSC) and Vestigial sideband (VSB) modulation; mixers; frequency division multiplexing; Angle modulation phase modulation (PM) & frequency modulation (FM); narrow and wideband FM; generation & demodulation; Phase locked loop (PLL);


Unit 4: Super heterodyne receivers and noise in CW modulation systems: Super heterodyne AM/FM receivers, Receiver model; signal to noise ratio (SNR), noise figure, noise temperature; noise in DSB-SC, SSB, AM & FM receivers; pre-emphasis and de-emphasis.


Unit 5: Pulse modulation/demodulation schemes:  Sampling process; pulse amplitude modulation/demodulation; other forms of pulse modulation/demodulation; quantization process; pulse code modulation (PCM); line coding; noise consideration in PCM; time division multiplexing; deferential pulse code modulation; delta modulation; adaptive delta modulation.


Teaching-learning methods to be used
a. Lecture and Discussion
b. PPT presentation
c. Laboratory assignments

Expected outcome: 

Towards the end of the course the student would be able to -
- describe amplitude modulation mathematically and graphically in time and frequency domains. Also characterize amplitude modulation with the help of parameters such as modulation index, sideband power and modulation efficiency.
- evaluate modulation index, sideband power and modulation efficiency and explain the significance of obtained results
- explain and compare various variants of AM such as Standard AM. DSB-SC, SSB and VSB. Also demonstrate understanding of coherent and non-coherent demodulation and associated trade-offs.
- describe frequency and phase modulations mathematically and graphically in time and frequency domains. Also explain linkage between phase modulation and frequency modulation.
- evaluate the spectrum of frequency modulated signal with the help of Bessel function table and evaluate the bandwidth of FM signal.
- explain design of narrow-band and wide-band FM transmitters on block diagram levels. Also compare and contrast AM and NBFM techniques.
- Explain few FM demodulation techniques.
- explain every part of a super-heterodyne receiver on block diagram level and understand and evaluate the image frequency of a particular channel. Also evaluate performance of AM and FM in presence of noise


Text/Reference book: 

1. Simon Haykin, Communication Systems, 4th edition, John Willey & Sons, 2001.
2. J. Proakis & M. Salehi, Communication System Engineering, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education Asia, 2002.
3. B. P. Lathi, Modern Analog and Digital Communication Systems, 3/e, Oxford University Press, 1998.



EL 207: Instrumentation


EL207is the introductory course into the field of Instrumentation. It covers the concept of instrumentation and measurement in the field of engineering. The details of various types of transducers are included in the course along with signal conditioning, signal recovery, data acquisition and conversion This course will also enable students to have an idea of different types of electronic test equipments. EL 207 also includes laboratory classes which help to understand the subject in the application point of view. This is indeed a broad course aimed to teach students the very basics of instrumentation.

Objective vis-a-vis Lecture Modules:

Modules Topic Learning Objectives

Concept of instrumentation

Understand the foundations of instrumentation, its different parameters& analysis.


Classification of transducers

Know the different types of transducers.


Signal Conditioning

Know the different types of amplifiers related to signal conditioning.


Signal recovery

Filtering and detection of signals.


Data transmission & telemetry  

Know the types of transmitters, modulation methods, interference & grounding.


Data acquisition & conversion

Know recording and display of data


Electronics test equipment

Know the different types of test equipments, including PC based instrumentation. 


Laboratory experiments include:  Development of circuits for signal conditioning, signal recovery, telemetry; PC based instrumentation; Computer controlled test systems; experiments using modern electronic test equipments.


Some knowledge of Fourier analysis is required.

Lecture Plan: 

Tentative lecture



Introduction to instrumentation


Concept of instrumentation system- performance characteristics of instrumentation system, system performance  measurement, systems linearity and distortion, Fourier analysis and synthesis, Sine wave, impulse and step inputs and random noise as test signals.


Classification of Transducers: Input and output Transducers, Primary and secondary Transducers, Active and Passive Transducer, Inverse transducer, classification based on Electrical Principle involved; Resistive Position Transducer- Resistive Pressure Transducer -: Inductive Pressure Transducer; Capacitive Pressure Transducer ; Self generating inductive Transducers ; Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) ; Piezoelectric Transducer ; Strain Gauge Temperature Transducers; Resistance Temperature Detectors ; Thermistor ;Thermocouple


Signal conditioning: differential amplifier, instrumentation amplifier, isolation amplifier, charge amplifier.


Signal recovery: Signal filtering, averaging and correlation, Lock-in amplifier, Phase sensitive detection.


Data transmission and telemetry:Two wire, three wire transmitters, modulation and encoding methods, multiplexing,  interference, grounding and shielding


Data Acquisition and conversion: Data display and recording


Electronic test equipment: Oscilloscope, DMM, Frequency counter, Wave/Harmonic distortion/Spectrum analyzers. PC based instrumentation. Computer controlled test system.


Course Summary


1. Lecture and Discussion
2. Presentations
3. Quiz and class tests
4. Assignments
5. Laboratory classes


Expected outcome: 

Instrumentation is one of the important subjects in the field of Engineering and technology. Students passing this course will have a broad overview on the field of instrumentation and measurement techniques and equipments used.




EL 208: Engineering Electromagnetic


Electromagnetic governs the physical phenomena in almost every discipline in electrical engineering from circuits to optics. It enables numerous high technologies from high-speed electronics to stealth technology. The objective of this course is to help students to learn advanced principles of electromagnetics with a view to current and future applications. Problem solving and critical thinking skills will be stressed. Students will also have opportunities to learn skills in communication, team work, and leadership.

Objective vis-a-vis Lecture Modules:

Modules Topic Learning Objectives


Static Electric Fields

Fundamental postulates of Electrostatics; Coulomb's Law, electric field & electric flux density, Gauss's law with application, boundary conditions, capacitance & capacitors, electrostatic energy, Laplace's & Poisson's equations, uniqueness of electrostatic solutions, method of images, solution of boundary value problems in different coordinate systems.


Steady Electric Current

Current density and ohm's  law, EMF and Kirchoff's voltage law, continuity equation and Kirchoff's current law, power dissipation and Joule's law, boundary conditions.


Static Magnetic Fields


Fundamental Postulates, Vector magnetic potential, Biot-Savart Law and Application, Magnetic dipole, Behaviour of magnetic materials, Boundary conditions, Inductances and inductors, Magnetic energy.


Time varying fields & Maxwell's Equations

Faraday's Law of electromagnetic induction, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic boundary conditions, wave equations and their solutions, time harmonic fields. 


Electromagnetic Waves

Plan wave in loss less media, plan waves in lossy media, pointing vector and power flow in electromagnetic field. Wave polarization, plan wave reflection from a media interface.


Antennas and Radiating systems

Fundamentals of radiation, radiation field of an elemental dipole, antenna pattern and antenna parameters, thin linear wire antennas, loop antennas, basics of antenna arrays, aperture antennas.


Introduction to method of moments (MOM)

Linear operator equation, basic steps of the method of moments, formulation of integral equations, MOM application to wire antennas and scatterers.

Lecture Plan: 

Tentative lecture



Fundamental Postulates of Electrostatics


Coulomb's law


Electric field and Electric flux density


Gauss,s law with boundary condition


Capacitance and capacitors


Electrostatic Energy


Laplace's and Poisson Equations


Uniqueness of Electrostatic solutions


Method of images


Solution of boundary value problem in different coordinate systems


Current density, ohm's law,EMF ,Kirchoff's law and voltage law


Continuity equation ,kirchoff's current law and power dissipation


Joule's law and boundary condition


Fundamental Postulates,Vector magnetic potential


Bio-savart law and application,Mgnetic dipole


Behaviour of magnetic materials ,Boundary conditions


Inductances and inductors,Magnetic energy


Faraday'slaw of electromagnetic induction,Maxwell's equations


Electromagnetic boundary conditions


Wave equation and their solution,time harmonic fields


Plan wave in loss less medium,plan wave in lossy medium


Pointing vector and power flow in electromagnetic field


Wave polarization,plan wave reflection from a media interface


Fundamental of radiation ,radiation field of an element dipole,antenna pattern and antenna parameters


Thin liner wire antennas,loop antennas,basic of antenna arrays aperture antennas


Linear operator equation ,basic steps of the method of moments


Formulation of integral equations


MOM application to wire antennas and scatterers


-Class Room Lectures



-Group assignments

Expected outcome: 

After successful of this course the students would be able to calculate electric field , force , potential , energy from various charges and charge distribution , electric flux , flux density , electric current density . The students would be able to solve laplece equations, apply Maxwell equation for electromagnetic wave prorogation etc.


Text/Reference book: 

1. David K Cheng, Field and Wave Electromagnetic, 2/e, Pearson Education Asia, 2001. 
2. Mathew N O Sadiku, Elements of Electromagnetic, 3/e, Oxford University Press, 2001.
3. S. Ramo, J R Whinnery and T V Duzer, Fields and Waves in Communication Electronics, 3/e John Willey, 1994.
4. J. D. Kraus, Flesch, Daniel, Electromagnetics, 2/e, McGraw Hill, 1999.
5. J Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, 2/e PHI, 1995.
6. J D Kraus, Antennas, 2/e, McGraw Hill, 1988.
7. E C Hordan and K G Balmain, Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems, 2/e PHI 1995. 
8. Balanis, Antennas Theory and Design, 2/e, John Willey, 1996



B. Tech. (Electronics and Communication Engineering) : 6th Semester


EL 306: Communication Network



Objective vis-a-vis Lecture Modules:

Modules Topic Learning Objectives


Layered network architecture point to point protocols and links.

To learn and understand OI model and TCP/ IP and point to point link control


Error detection and correction, ARQ retransmission strategy, framing, 

To learn and understand different error correction schemes and applications in
error and flow control in data communication 


Queuing theory and delay analysis 


To learn and understand Little's theorem, analytical treatment of M/M/1 and M/M/m
queuing systems, simulation of queuing systems, delay analysis for ARQ system, multi-access system 


ATM, network design of a LAN system with commercially available functional units, Wireless LAN

To learn ATM and a LAN system


Knowledge of Digital communication and programming are required.

Lecture Plan: 

Tentative lecture



layered network architecture point to point protocols and links


Error detection and correction, ARQ retransmission strategy, framing,


Queuing theory and delay analysis


ATM, network design of a LAN system with commercially  available functional units., Wireless LAN


Teaching-learning methods to be used : Lecture and Discussion Presentations, Quiz

Expected outcome: 

Communication networks has emerged as one of the most impact disciplines in Electronics and Communication engg. After doing this course, students will be well known about basics of computer communications, protocols and data communications


Text/Reference book: 

W. Stallings: Data and Computer Communication; PHI, 1997




EL 307: Device Modeling & Simulation


EL 307 is a basic course into the field of Devices at Tezpur University. It covers basics of semiconductors and in depth introduction to different devices


Objective vis-a-vis Lecture Modules:

Modules Topic Learning Objectives


Introduction to basics of semiconductor

To understand the fundamentals of semiconductor  


Charge Transport in Semiconductors,

To understand the the working of a semiconductor  under electric field


Two terminal devices

Introduction to two terminal devices device performance under applied field.


Bipolar junction transistors

To understand the working of a BJT. 



To understand the basic of field effect devices and different parasitic effects.


Advanced FET modeling 

To understand the modeling approach of a MOSFET 


Universal MESFET mode

Introduction to fast field effect devices.


Universal HFET model, 

Introduction to high electron mobility concept device structure. 


BSIM  MOSFET model. Introduction to SPICE modeling.

To understand the CMOS circuit structure


Basic Understanding of physics


Teaching-learning methods to be used viz. Lecture and Discussion  Assignment Presentations Quiz,

Expected outcome: 

Towards the end of the course the student would be able to model semiconductor device and simulate it.

Text/Reference book: 

1. D A Neamen Physics of Semiconductor Devices, TMH
2. R J Baker, H W Li and D E Boyee; CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation, Willey - IEEE, 1998.
3. D A Pucknell, K Eshraghian; Basic VLSI Design, PHI, 1994. 
4. Y. Tsividis; Operation and Modeling of the MOS transistor, Mc Graw Hill, 1999. 
5. T Hori; Gate Dielectric and MOS ULSIs: Principles Technologies and Applications, Springer, 1997.




EL 308: VLSI Design


A day to day increasing demand for low power, high speed and compact integrated circuit is noticed for fulfilling the requirement for performing high speed computations, information processing and many more functions simultaneously by single device. It has therefore become necessary to integrate a very large numbers of logic gates in a monolithic fashion on a single chip. With the development of device processing technology and logic synthesis the level of integration is increasing at a very high rate. This course covers in detail the design principles and conceptual underpinnings of digital integrated circuits. It explores the basic structure, fabrication and electrical behaviour of MOSFETs, the building block of digital IC. Switching characteristics and basic principles in the design and analysis of inverters, logic gates and sequential circuits will be discussed. It also explores the understanding of semiconductor memories.



a. Understanding digital VLSI design styles, processing and device principles of CMOS digital circuits.
b. In depth understanding of design principles and analysis of CMOS circuits and semiconductor memories etc.


Basic understanding of digital electronics.

Lecture Plan:

Tentative lecture Topics


General overview of design hierarchy, layers of abstraction, integration density and Moore's law


VLSI design styles, packaging styles, design automation principles


MOSFET fabrication: basic steps fabrication, CMOS p-well and n-well processes, layout design rules, Bi-CMOS fabrication processes;


Basic electrical properties of MOS and Bi-CMOS circuits: MOS transistor operation in linear and saturated regions, MOS transistor threshold voltage, MOS switch and inverter, Bi- CMOS inverter, latch-up in CMOS inverter, inverter properties (robustness, dynamic performance, regenerative property, inverter delay times, switching power dissipation), MOSFET scaling (constant voltage and constant field scaling);


Logic design with MOSFETs: switch logic (networks derived from canonical form and Shannon expression theorem, universal logic modules, networks derived from iterative structure ), gate restoring) logic, programmable logic array (PLAs), finite state machine (FSM) as a PLA, personality matrix of a PLA, PLA folding, pseudo-nmos logic;


Basic circuit concepts: sheet resistance and area capacitances of layers, driving large capacitive loads, super-buffers, propagation delay models of cascaded pass transistors, wiring capacitances


Dynamic CMOS design: steady state behavior of dynamic gate circuits, noise considerations in dynamic design, charge sharing, cascading dynamic gates, domino logic, np-CMOS logic, problems in single phase clocking, two phase non overlapping clocking scheme;


Low power CMOS logic gates: low power design through voltage scaling, estimation and optimization of switching activity, reduction of switched capacitance, adiabatic logic circuits: subsystem design: design of arithmetic building blocks like adders ( static, dynamic, Manchester
carry-chain, look ahead, linear and square root carry select, carry bypass and pipelined adders) and multipliers (serial-parallel, Braun, Baugh- Wooley and systolic array multipliers), barrel and logarithmic shifters, area time tradeoff, power consumption issues;


Semiconductor memories: Dynamic random access memories (DRAM), static RAM, non volatile memories, flash memories;


Bipolar ECL inverter: Features of ECL gate, robustness and noise immunity, logic design in ECL, signal ended and differential ECL;


Physical design: brief ideas on partitioning, placement, routing and compaction, Kernighan-Lin and Fiduccia Mattheyses partitioning algorithms, area routing and channel routing algorithms;


Testability of VLSI: Fault types and models, stuck-at fault models, scan based techniques, built-in self test (BIST) techniques, Boolean differences, PLA testability


The course will be completed in about 36 class room lectures with regular discussions, test and assignments. Laboratory classes will be held using standard design tools (SPICE) to analyse the expected behaviour of basic gates and implementation of transistor level design of digital circuits.


Expected outcome: 

Towards the end of the course the student would be able to get knowledge of various VLSI design styles, CMOS circuits, their working principles and processing technologies etc.


Text/Reference book: 

1. CMOS digital integrated circuits by Kang and Leblibici, TATA McGRAW HILL.
2. CMOS: Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation, R. Jacob Baker, John Wiley & Sons

3. Modern VLSI Design: System on chip design, Waney Wolf.
4. Principles of CMOS VLSI Design, Neil H.E.Weste, Kamran Eshraghian.
5. Basic VLSI Design, Douglas A Pucknell, Kamran Eshraghian, Printice Hall.



EL 421: Image Processing


Visual information plays an important role in almost all areas of our lives. Today, much of this information is represented and processed digitally. Therefore, image processing is ubiquitous, with applications ranging from television to tomography, from photography to printing, from robotics to remote sensing. This course is an introductory course to the fundamentals of (digital) image processing. It emphasizes general principles of image processing, rather than specific applications. It is expected to cover basic topics in image processing such as image sampling and quantization, point operations, image enhancement, linear image filtering and correlation, image transforms, image compression, image segmentation, and morphological image processing.




1. The objective of this course is to provide an introduction to the theory and applications of digital image processing.
2. To familiarize the student with the image processing facilities in MATLAB.
3. Develop critical thinking about shortcomings of the state of the art in image processing.


Signals and systems (EL 204) and Basics knowledge of probability theory


Course outline+ suggested reading:

- Digital image fundamentals
- Image transforms
- Image enhancement
- Image restoration and Denoising
- Image segmentation
- Image compression
- Color image processing

Lecture Plan: 

Tentative lecture



Introduction to image processing


Unit-1: Digital image fundamentals: Sampling and quantization, resolution, human visual system, image acquisition, classification of digital images, image types, elements of an image processing system, image file formats


Unit 2: Image transforms: 1) Discrete Fourier transform, 2) Discrete cosine transform, 3) Hotelling/KL transform, 4) Walsh and Hadamard transforms, 5) Wavelet transform


Unit 3: Image enhancement: Spatial domain enhancement, Enhancement through point operation, Linear and nonlinear gray level transformation, Histogram manipulation, Neighbourhood operation, low-pass, high-pass filtering, Median filter, Enhancement in frequency domain, image smoothing and image sharpening


Unit 4: Image restoration and Denoising: Degradation models, inverse filter, Wiener filter


Unit 5: Image segmentation: Detection of discontinuities, edge based segmentation, edge linking, thresholding, region-oriented segmentation


Unit 6: Image compression: Need for image compression, redundancy in images, image compression schemes, elements of information theory, variable length coding, transform based compression, image compression standard, vector quantization


Teaching-learning methods to be used -

- Lecture and Discussion,

- PPT presentation
- Laboratory assignments
- Term projects


Expected outcome: 

Towards the end of the course the student would be able to -
- understand the basic concepts of image processing.
- explore image processing applications for solving practical vision based problems. 
- learn to implement image processing algorithms in MATLAB.
- carry out undergraduate projects to implement image processing algorithms in digital hardware.

Text/Reference book: 

1. R.C. Gonzalez and R.E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, Prentice-Hall, Third Edition.
2. A.K. Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice-Hall, 1989.



EL 425: Mobile Communication


The need for wireless and mobile access to a network is evident in current work environments. The wireless technologies and mobile communication are active areas in engineering applications as well as in research. These technologies of wireless networking save us from physical hassle connecting computer hardware but with consideration of standards, installation and security. This course mainly deals with the study of radio propagation and models, cellular engineering, diversity and combining schemes, interferences, frequency planning, source coding etc.



1. To study the technical issues and state-of-the-art techniques in the operation and management of mobile communications networks;
2. To learn the engineering principles and system evaluation methods used in the design of mobile communications networks.


Analog and digital communication

Lecture Plan: 

Tentative lecture



Review of Basic Communication System, Introduction to Mobile Wireless Communication


EM Spectrum, Wireless Propagation Mechanisms


Cellular Engineering: Cellular Theory, Architecture of cellular network, operation of cellular network,  traffic calculation


cellular interference


Multiple Access Techniques


GSM Standards: Channel, ARFCN


Spread Spectrum Technique


Source Coding and Channel Coding




Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing


Radio Propagation Model: Representation of a mobile radio signal, Propagation path loss and fading: causes, types of fading , Diversity and Combining Techniques


Teaching-learning methods to be used -

- Lecture and Discussion,

- PPT presentation
- Mini projects


Expected outcome: 

Towards the end of the course the student would be able to -
- understand the Infrastructure to develop Mobile Communication System: Cellular Theory

- understand the Wireless communication systems and standards : GSM
- apply analytical and experiential models in the design of wireless links/Systems
- understand the characteristics of different multiple access techniques in mobile/wireless communication
- understand the need of coding, Channel models, Diversity, Equalization and Channel estimation techniques
- understand the radio propagation over wireless channel and different limitations

Text/Reference book: 

1. Theodore S. Rappaport, "Wireless Communications Principles and Practice", Prentice Hall 
2. Lee, William C. Y, "Mobile Communications Design Fundamentals", Wiley & Sons
3. Upena Dalal, "Wireless Communication", Oxford University Press India
4. Sheriff, Ray Edward, Hu, Yim Fun, "Mobile Satellite Communication Networks", Wiley & Sons 
5. Stallings, "Wireless Communications and Networks", Prentice Hall.
6. Schwartz, "Mobile Wireless Communications", Cambridge University Press. 



B. Tech. (Electronics and Communication Engineering) : 8th Semester



EL 424: Fiber Optics Communication


The aim of the course is to provide a fundamental understanding of optical communication systems. The course starts with brief introduction to light waves and geometric optics. Then step and graded index optical fibres that support single and multimode transmission and various dispersion mechanisms will be covered. Coherent (LASER) and incoherent (LED) optical sources and modulation techniques will then be covered. PIN and APD optical receivers and various noise mechanisms will be then studied. Both analog (CATV, Radio over Fiber) and digital (SONET) transmission technologies will be studied. Basic optical networks and WDM will be introduced. Students will do design calculation for a point-to-point optical fiber link and star networks.


Objective vis-a-vis Lecture Modules:

Modules Topic

Learning Objectives





Block diagram of optical fiber communication system, Advantages of optical fiber communications, Optical fiber waveguides: structure of optical wave guide, Light propagation in optical fiber using ray theory, Acceptance angle, Numerical aperture, Skew rays, Wave theory for optical propagation, Modes in a planar and cylindrical guide, Mode volume, Single mode fibers, Cutoff wave-length, Mode field diameter, Effective refractive index, Group and mode delay factor for single mode fiber


Transmission Characteristics of Optical fiber


Attenuation in optical fibers, intrinsic and extrinsic absorption, Linear and non linear scattering losses, Fiber bend losses, Dispersion and pulse broadening, Intra modal and intermodal dispersion for step and graded index fibers, Modal noise, Over all fiber dispersion for multimode and monomode fiber, Dispersion shifted fibers, Modal irefringence, Polarization maintaining fibers 


Optical sources


Basic concepts Einstein relations and population inversion, optical feed back and threshold conditions, Direct and indirect band gap semiconductors Spontaneous and stimulated emission in p-n junction, Threshold current density, Hetero junction & DH structure, Semiconductor injection lasers structure, Characteristics of injection laser, Drawback and advantages of LED, DH, LED, LED structures and characteristics


Optical Detectors

Requirement for photo detections, p-n photodiode, Characteristics of photo detections, p-i-n and avalanche photodiodes, Phototransistors & photoconductors,


Modulation techniques

System considerations, link power budget and rise time budget, line coding and eye pattern; wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), optical amplifiers and photonic switching


An undergraduate degree in Electronics & communication or a closely related field.

Lecture Plan: 

Tentative lecture



Forms of communication systems ,Elements of a optical fiber transmission link


optical laws and definitions


mode theory of circular wave-guides


fiber modes and configurations


single mode fibers and multimode fibers.


attenuation, absorption


scattering, signal distortions


intermodal dispersion and intermodal dispersion in an optical fiber


mode coupling phenomenon


light emitting diodes, LASER,


photodiodes, and avalanche photodiodes


modulation techniques, system considerations


link power budget and rise time budget


line coding and eye pattern


wavelength division multiplexing (WDM)


optical amplifiers and photonic switching.


- Class Room Lectures
- Presentations
- Seminars
- Assignments
- Group assignments


Expected outcome: 

After completing the course BL-424, student is expected to have the basic knowledge of optical fiber communication and students are expected to work in the field of optical fiber communication as project work or as per their interest.

Text/Reference book: 

1. J.Senior: Optical Fiber Communications: Principles; PHI, 1996, 2/e
2. G. Keiser: Optical Fiber Communications; McGraw Hill, 1991, 2/e



EL 428: Information Theory & Coding


EL428 is an introductory course into the field of information theory and error control codes for B.Tech ECE students. It covers mainly the concepts of information theory, source coding, channel capacity and error control coding




1. Information Theory & Source Coding: To understand the concepts of uncertainty, information, mutual information, Entropy and different source coding techniques. To introduce the different channel models, channel capacity, channel coding and information capacity theorem.

2. Error control coding: To understand the concepts related to block coding, linear codes, cyclic codes, BCH codes and Convolutional codes which covers both encoding and decoding procedures. To understand the concepts related to Galois fields, irreducible and primitive polynomials, minimal polynomials.

3. Linear feedback shift registers for encoding and decoding cyclic codes: To understand the concept of using linear feedback shift registers for encoding and decoding of cyclic codes, the polynomial division register, registers for encoding, error detection, correction and Meggitt decoder.


Some understanding of Digital Electronics and Digital Communication will be required.


Lecture Plan: 

1. Introduction to information theory, uncertainty, information - 2 Hrs
2. Average mutual information and entropy with examples - 2 Hrs
3. The lossless source coding theorem, introduction to fixed length and variable length coding algorithms - 2 Hrs
4. Kraft inequality, Huffman coding and arithmetic coding with examples - 3 Hrs
5. Dictionary based coding techniques-Digram coding, Lempel -Ziv algorithms with examples - 4 Hrs
6. The rate distortion function - 2Hrs
7. Channel capacity, channel coding and information capacity theorem - 2 Hrs
8. Introduction to error control codes, Block codes-single parity check codes, product codes, repetition codes and Hamming codes with examples - 3 Hrs
9. Linear codes-Definition, generator matrices and parity check matrices, error syndromes with examples - 3Hrs
10. Cyclic codes-Definition, generator and parity check polynomial, encoding and decoding of cyclic codes, dual cyclic codes with examples - 3 Hrs
11. Linear feedback shift registers for encoding and decoding cyclic codes, polynomial division register, Megitt decoder with examples - 4 Hrs
12. Introduction to Galois fields, primitive field elements, irreducible and primitive polynomials, minimal polynomials with examples - 4Hrs
13. BCH codes - Encoding and decoding of BCH codes, error location polynomial with examples - 3 Hrs
14. Introduction to Convolution codes, encoding convolutional code, generator matrices and polynomials for convolution code with examples - 3 Hrs


Teaching learning methods to be used
- Lecture and discussion
- Quiz
- Presentation


Expected outcome: 

Students passing this course will be proficient with the knowledge of basic concepts of Information theory and different source coding techniques. Students will also be proficient with the good knowledge on different error control codes and Linear feedback shift registers for encoding and decoding of cyclic codes .


Text/Reference book: 

1. Salvatore Gravano, "Introduction to Error Control Codes", Oxford University Press.
2. Proakis and Salehi, "Digital Communications", Tata McGraw Hills.  
3. Ranjan Bose, "Information theory coding and cryptography", Tata McGraw Hills. 
4. Richard B. Wells, "Applied coding and Information theory for Engineers", Pearson Education. 
5. Khalid Sayood, "Introduction to Data Compression", Morgan Kaufmann.