Chapters in Books (upto 5)
- “Contextualizing Social Development in Northeast India”, in Social Sector Development in North-East India. Eds. Ashok Pankaj, Atul Sarma and Antora Borah, pp. 37-63, Sage. 2020.
- “Social and Institutional Engagements in a Periphery: Reflections on a Personal Journey”, Social Scientist in South Asia: Personal Narratives, Social Forces and Negotiations. Eds. Achla P. Tandon, Gopi D. Tripathy and Rashi Bhargava, pp. 159-173, Routledge. 2020.
- “Building “India’s Future Powerhouse”: Discourses of ‘Development’ and Popular Resistance in Northeast India” in Reframing the Environment: Resources, Risk & Resistance in Neoliberal India, Ed. Manisha Rao, pp. 56-79, Routledge. 2020.
- “Periphery Calling: Layers of Divergence” (Introduction Chapter), Fixed Borders, Fluid Boundaries: Identity, Resources and Mobility in North East India. Eds. C.K. Sharma and Reshmi Banerjee, pp. 1-12, Routledge. 2020 (with Reshmi Banerjee).
- “Tribal Movements”, Social Movements: Concepts, Experiences and Concerns. Ed. Biswajit Ghosh, pp. 132-151, Sage. 2020 (With Bhaswati Borgohain).
Articles in Journals (upto 5)
- “In Search of a better future: Nepali Rural Out-migration from Assam”, Sociological Bulletin, Vol. 68, No. 3, pp. 307–324. 2019, Sage. (with Pinku Muktiar)
- “Dams, ‘Development’ and Popular Resistance in Northeast India”, Sociological Bulletin, Vol. 67, No. 3, pp. 317–333, 2018, Sage.
- “Small Tea Plantation and its Impact on the Rural Landscape of Contemporary Assam”, International Journal of Rural Management, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 140–161, 2017, Sage. (with Prarthana Barua)
- “Issues of Conservation and Livelihood in a Forest Village of Assam”, International Journal of Rural Management, Vol.10, No. 1, pp. 47-68, 2014, Sage, (with Indrani Sarma)
- “The Immigration Issue in Assam and Conflicts Around it”, The Asian Ethnicity, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 287-309, 2012, Routledge.