Department of Sociology (AWARDED UGC-SAP DRS-I, 2016)

Tezpur University


Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

Elective courses for PG Programmes

Semester Course code Course Name
First Semester SC421 Introducing Sociology (L2-T1-P0-CH3-CR3)
Second Semester SC422 Society in India (L2-T1-P0-CH3-CR3)
Third Semester SC508 Environment and Society (L2-T1-P0-CH3-CR3)
Fourth Semester SC509 Population and Society (L2-T1-P0-CH3-CR3)

Elective Courses for PhD Programmes

Semester Course code Course Name
All Semesters SC726 Philosophy of Social Research (L2-T2-P0-CH4-CR4)


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