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hyPACK-2013 Mode-1 : Threads I/O - Performance Issues

The I/O on multi-core processors or cluster of Multi-Core processors plays an important role to understand and enhance the performance of your application. In fact, many applications of parallel computes are memory-bound rather than CPU-bound or I/O bound. In typical large-scale parallel and Cluster platforms, a system bus provides slots to connect I/O devices, such as disk, drives, tape drives, and network interfaces cards. Efforts have been made in both software development and hardware design to improve the I/O bandwidth between computational units and storage systems. Although most of these works only consider exclusive file access among the concurrent I/O requests, more scientific applications require data partitioning with overlap among the requesting processes. In hyPACK-2013, Multi-threaded I/O test programs are provided to understand performance issues and selective benchmarks will be discussed.

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List of Programs based on I/O in multi-theaded environment :

  • Write a simple MPI I/O program performing sequential I/O to multiple files

  • Write a Pthread I/O program performing each thread writing to separate file

  • Write an MPI program performing MPI I/O to separate files (Using MPI 2.0)

  • Write an MPI program performing MPI I/O to single file (Using MPI 2.0)

  • Write a Pthreads I/O program reading the file with different number of threads

  • Write a MPI I/O program to read the file with different number of processes (Using MPI 2.0)

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing