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hyPACK-2013 : Mode-2 (ARM Coprocessor ) Laboratory : Topics

ARM development platform featuring NVIDIA Tegra processors are being used in HPC. ARM platforms with CUDA parallel programming toolkit, provides the foundation for developers to build out the ARM HPC application ecosystem. The CARMA DevKit features the NVIDIA Tegra 3 Quad-core ARM A9 CPU and the NVIDIA Quadro 1000M GPU with 96 CUDA cores. It offers HPC developers a simple way to create CUDA applications for GPU-accelerated systems with ARM processors. The topics such as Tuning and Performance Issues, Power Consumption for Application Kernels, Measurement of Power Consumption - using External Power-Off-Meter, and Programming on ARM processor multi-core processor systems will be discussed.

To understand scalability and performance of selective scientific and engineering or commercial applications, minor or substantive modification of the hyPACK-2013 software programs may be required. Efforts are on to include State-of-the-Art Multi-Core Coprocessor ARM Systems as well as NVIDIA CUDA - carma DevKit - GPU based acclerator Servers in hyPACK-2013 laboratory in order to understand measurement of power consumption and performance issues for large scale application kernels.

On a Message Passing Cluster, the calculation of power consumption on host and the device such as NVIDIA GPU or AMD GPU using OpenL and CUDA is required. The calculated power consumption out of GPU device, data transfer from host to device & device to host, IO operations as well as initial programming environment will contribute to the total power consumption of an application.

Figure 1. Typical Pthread Model for Calculation of Power Consumption on a system

Figure 1 explains the flow of completion of jobs in which two Pthreads are used. One thread executes job on GPU accelerator using CUDA or OpenCL and another thread probes the power-off meter and gathers the reported power values. Also, one thread works on Xeon multi-coprocessor and records the power values for the entire system. On NVIDIA GPU, we use NVML library calls with CUDA and OpenCL. Multiple threads can be used to bind multiple accelerators and coprocessors to record the power consumed and master thread gathers the data and display on the portal. The resolution of power meter is in watts. In the figure 2, we explore the use of the NVML library APIs to measure real-time power consumption of BLAS kernels and PDE solver. We analyzed the performance and real-time power consumption of two fundamental linear algebra algorithms - DGEMM and OpenMP & CUDA, OpenCL implementation PDE Solver. The nvmlDeviceGetPowerUsage()routine exports the current power in milliwatt resolution. The power reported is that for the entire board, including GPU and memory.

The power analyzer electricity watt meter is also used to measure the reported power values. The Watt's Up power meter is an external measurement device that is plugged into the system and it provides various measurements via a USB serial connection. The power metrics collected include average power, voltage, current, and various others. Energy can be derived based on the average power and time. The results are system-wide and low resolution, with updates only once a second. Limited memory exists on power-meter and hence the reported power values for computational performed are collected. Another thread reads the data on a regular basis, and then returns overall values when an instrumented program requests it.

Mode-3 : ARM PRocessor based systems : Power & Performance:
  • Write your own program for NLA kernel codes and measure the power consumption and performance (turn around time & throughput) of Benchmarks.

  • Write your own program to measure the total power consumption and performance for different problem sizes for implementation of PDE solver using Finite Difference Method (FDM) based on OpenMP framework.

  • Measure Power Consumption and Performance of Benchmarks using CUDA enabled NVIDIA GPUs - carma DevKit.

  • Programming exercises for Numerical & Non-Numerical Comps. based on MPI, Pthreads, OpenMP, Java Concurrent APIs, & Mixed prog.

  • Numerical Computations (Dense Matrix Computations, Sparse Matrix Computations), Non-Numerical Computations (Sorting & Search algorithms)

  • Tuning & Performance - Selective Application Kernels & System Benchmarks on ARM Processors

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing