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hyPACK-2013 Mode-1 : Shared Memory Programming (OpenMP 3.0/4.0 )

The specification of the OpenMP Application Program Interface (OpenMP API) provides a model for parallel programming that is portable across shared memory architectures from different vendors. Compilers from numerous vendors support the OpenMP API. The directives extend the C, C++ and Fortran base languages with single program multiple data (SPMD) constructs, tasking constructs, work-sharing constructs, and synchronization constructs, and they provide support for sharing and privatizing data.

Recently, the OpenMP Language Com-mittee has been working toward a single specification (OpenMP 4.0 release) that supports heteroge-neous computation nodes using both CPUs and accelerators (GPUs, & Coprocessors)

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The extensions in this OpenMP 4.0 accelerator model build on existing OpenMP concepts and constructs to provide a unified model for GPUs and CPUs. This model relies on compiler analysis and transformations to generate code that can execute on accelerators for specified source code regions, as well as runtime support to provide data movement and other support for hybrid execution.

The OpenMP Execution Model and Memory Model features are addressed in some of the programs of hyPACK-2013. OpenMP-compliant implementations are not required to check for the data dependencies data conflicts, race conditions, or deadlocks, any of which may occur in conforming programs. OpenMP does not cover compiler-generated automatic parallelisation and directives to the compiler to assist such paralleilzation.

The OpenMP programming model plays a key role by providing an easy method for threading applications without burdening the programmer with the complications of creating, synchronizing load balancing, and destroying threads. The OpenMP model provides a platform independent set of compiler pragmas, directives, function calls, and environment variables that explicitly instruct the compiler how and where to use the parallelism in the application. In hyPACK-2013 OpenMP laboratory session, the important OpenMP 3.X APIs are used to write several programs and some of these are described below.

  • The internal control variables (ICVs) control the behavior of an OpenMP program. These ICVs store information such as the number of threads to use for future parallel regions, the schedule to use for work sharing loops and whether nested parallelism is enabled or not. Programs on how ICVs affect the operation of parallel regions are illustrated.

  • OpenMP 3.X important features on Task Scheduling, parallel construct, worksharing construct, combined parallel worksharing Constructs, and Synchronization constructs are discussed. Example programs on number of threads for a parallel region, schedule of a worksharing loop are provided.

  • An overview of several clauses for controlling the data environment during the execution of parallel clause, task worksharing regions is discussed.

  • Programs based on OpenMPI API runtime library routines runtime library definitions, Execution environment routines, Lock routines and portable timer routine are supported in the Hands-on Session.

  • OpenMP 4.0 Release extends the execution model of the specification to support accelerators with device constructs. The OpenMP accelerator model assumes that a computation node has a host device connected with one or multiple accelerators as target devices. It uses a host-centric model in which a host device “ offloads ” code regions and data to accelerators for execution, spec-ified using the target construct. This construct causes data and an executable to be copied (offloaded) to the accelerator before computation.

Example programs using OpenMP 3.X pragrams based on numerical and non-numerical computations are discussed.

List of OpenMP Programs

  • OpenMP programs to illustrate basic OpenMP 3.X API library calls. : Examples include some introductory programs on use of OpenMP pragmas, parallel directives (the for directive), Threading a Loop, work-Sharing constructs, function calls, Reduction Operations, synchronization, data handling, Managing Shared & Private Data, Critical Section & Environment Variables.

  • Programs based on Numerical Computations (Dense Matrix Computations) using thread APIs. : Examples programs on numerical integration, vector-vector multiplication using block striped partitioning, matrix-vector multiplication using self scheduling algorithm, and block checkerboard partitioning, computation of Infinity norm of the square matrix using block striped partitioning. The focus is to use different thread APIs and understand Performance issues on multi-core processors.

  • Non-Numerical Computations & I/O (Sorting, Searching, Producer-Consumer) using thread APIs. : Examples programs on Sorting, Searching algorithms, Producer Consumer programs & OpenMP I/O programs using different OpenMP pragams are discussed. The focus is to use different OpenMP pragmas and understand Performance issues on multi-core processors.

  • Test suite of Programs/Kernels and Benchmarks on Multi-Core Processors : A test suite of programs on selective Dense Matrix computations, and Sorting Algorithms, are discussed on multi-core processors. Different OpenMP Pragma have been used to understand Performance issues on multi-core processors.

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing