Programme: M.A. in Communication for Development


The MA (C4D) programme has been designed with the purpose of developing comprehensive understanding of the field of communication in general and communication for development in particular. The concept of development has gained a larger shift from economic development to more holistic people centered agenda with a redefined role for the state, NGOs and even communication professionals. In this context the MA (C4D) programme is an attempt to train sensitive, motivated human resources to cater to the development sector globally and locally.


The concept of Development has gained a new momentum with a change from an almost exclusive focus on economic development to a more people-centered agenda with a redefined role for the state, economic agencies and even non-state agencies. Developmental initiatives and goals too have become a new framework by centrifuging people as participatory decision makers. Developmental stimulus requires a concerted effort by all with variegated needs and challenges in a multilayered society. In this context the MA in Communication for Development (MA-C4D) programme is an attempt to train sensitive, motivated human resources to cater to the development sector globally.

2.Qualification descriptors for the graduates

  • ● Multisectoral knowledge on development and communication
  • ● Identifying and understanding people’s participation as key to positive development.
  • ● Understanding development as Glo-na-Re-cal integrated concept

Skills & Techniques

  • ● Appropriate skill application in planning, executing, monitoring and evaluating Devcom campaigns
  • ● Contextualizing and refining skills for ensuring independent and community problem solving ability.
  • ● Advancement and Enhancement of skills and techniques


  • ● Critical and Multidisciplinary competence
  • ● Planning, monitoring and Evaluation
  • ● Entrepreneurship development

Graduate attributes

  • ● Critical and integrative thinking and inquiry
  • ● Effective participatory communication
  • ● Identification of social Problems and their solutions
  • ● Self-adaptive life-long learning
  • ● Entrepreneurship and leadership
  • ● Research and new knowledge creation, extension and refinement.

Programme objectives

Critical and Multidisciplinary Thinking: Facilitate a critical and multidisciplinary thinking about social, cultural, economic, as well as a holistic approach to development with a global, national, regional and local perspective and establish a positive utilitarian connect with mass, traditional and new media.

Effective Communication and Participation: Develop comprehensive ability and skills to create development messages for sharing on multiple platforms- appropriate for different segments of population and ensuring their voluntary participation in the process of C4D.

Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation: Develop Planning, Executing and Monitoring, Evaluating and Appropriating skills in C4D campaigns in core areas of development and thus ensuring sustainable development.

Leadership: Be an entrepreneur and development strategist and interventionist; and realise a glocal developmental literacy and awareness amongst people and help them become primary stakeholders in the process, governance and sustainability of development.

Programme outcome

Comprehend, Integrate and Create: Comprehend, contextualise, integrate and utilize communication theories and praxis specifically the development communication theories, perspectives, concepts to create and produce messages appropriate for various available media platforms and focusing also on human interactive communication practices.

Planning and Execution: Plan and execute development strategies by applying development theories and communication strategies in a variety of creative ways to execute, demonstrate and solve any problem relating to people’s development.

Evaluate: Demonstrate the skills, contextualizations, visualisations and ability for critical thinking to justify their interventions in the multi-stakeholder process of development and emerge as leaders and critiques.

Analyse: Demonstrate the ability to critically analyse and draw interrelationship between various developmental sectors of the society and ideas; bring in consensus required in democratic polity and developing society through convergence arising out of public debates, discourses and diverse viewpoints.

Accomplish: Evolve an innate desire and ability to accomplish the C4D goals and engage in further inquiry and research.

Open for Change: Express visible openness for adoption of changes and innovations relevant for C4D with an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach.