
  • Training of Trainers programme on Facilitating Participatory Workshops during 23-28 Feb 2015 for NGO professionals and University faculty members.

  • Four day workshop on Participatory techniques for MA-MCJ students of Tezpur University during 15-18 November 2014.

  • Two-day consultation on C4D curriculum development during 25-26 July 2014 for internal faculty members.

  • Two-day workshop on Participatory techniques for NGO professionals during 13-14 December, 2013.

  • Four-day workshop on Development Journalism for Print and Electronic media professionals during 9-12 December, 2013.

  • Three-day regional workshop on Participatory communication for MA-MCJ students from northeast universities facilitated by Mr. Vasuki Belavadi, Associate Professor, University of Hyderabad and Mr. Debarun Dutta, Drishti Media, Ahmedabad during 28-30 October, 2013.

  • Faculty Development Programme on participatory communication for MCJ teachers of northeast universities during 5-11 August, 2013

  • Consultative meet for training module development of various stakeholders of development during 9-11 August, 2013

  • Workshop on Participatory Communication for MA-MCJ students of Tezpur University with Mr. Vasuki Belavadi, Associate Professor, University of Hyderabad and Mr. Debarun Dutta, Drishti Media, Ahmedabad during 28-30 September, 2012

  • Organized a colloquium titled ‘Co-creating strategies with broadcast media on facilitating children’s voices in the media’ for media professionals at Guwahati on March 6, 2011

  • Public lecture on ‘self-control by media’ and students interaction by Mr AS Panneerselvan, Readers’ Editor of The Hindu on November 16, 2015 on the occasion of National Press Day, (Abhijit Bora)

  • Day-long workshop on Public Relations and present day situation on the occasion of National Public Relations Day on April 21, 2015 with help from North-East Chapter of Public Relations Society of India, Guwahati, (Abhijit Bora)

  • Ten-day long workshop on ‘Research Methodology in Social Sciences’ from November 27-December 6, 2014 fully sponsored by ICSSR, Delhi, (Abhijit Bora)

  • National seminar on the theme ‘Media in Nation-building, a Retrospective’ on January 30, 31, 2013 fully sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), Delhi, (Abhijit Bora)

  • Two weeklong workshops on ‘Science Communication through Media’ from October 1-6 and December 10-15, 2012 fully sponsored by National Council for Science, Technology and Communication (NCSTC), Dept. of Science & Technology, Government of India, Delhi, (Abhijit Bora)

  • One week-long workshop on ‘Research Methodology in Social Sciences with special focus on Mass Communication’ from December 3-7, 2011 fully sponsored by ICSSR-NERC, Shillong, (Abhijit Bora)

  • National seminar on Gandhian Concept of Media Literacy on March 30, 31, 2011 sponsored by the Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti, New Delhi, (Abhijit Bora)

  • Refresher Course in Mass Communication (Multidisciplinary) from December 6th to 26th, 2010 with 36 participants, (Abhijit Bora)