Currently available resources:

International Phonetics Alphabet Typing Tool - An offline Unicode International Phonetics Alphabet (IPA) typing tool useful for phonetic transcription

Geetanjali (Ramdhenu) to Unicode Converter - Geetanjali font text to Unicode Assamese converter

Most Frequent 2000 Assamese words [from EMILLE corpus] - List of most frequent 2000 words with frequency.

Assamese stop word list - An incomplete list of Assamese stop words.

Assamese to Roman script converter - A packaged written in C to convert Assamese Luit font to Roman Script.

Roman To Unicode Assamese converter - A packaged written in Java to convert Roman script  to Unicode Assamese.  

Morphological Analyzer

Parts of speech tagset (Hierarchical) - A hierarchical tagset [3-level] designed specifically for Assamese language. 

Parts of speech tagset (Flat) - A tagset consisting of 172 tags for Assamese Language.

Parts of speech tagger for Assamese - An Assamese POS tagger package written in C++ with accuracy 85.64%

tezuBank : Collection of Assamese (200 sentences) parse tree for Assamese

Named Entity Recognition for Assamese:
      Experiment using CRF approach
      Experiment using HMM approach
      Some NER resources

Dialectal Speech Synthesis:
      Samples of synthesised Nalbaria speech

NLP Resources for Manipuri:
      Extensions to BIS tagset for Manipuri
      Compact CFG for Manipuri
      Expanded CFG for Manipuri
      TezpurUniversity Treebank of Manipuri