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Abstract submission date extended to 15-JUNE-2017



It is our pleasure and honor to invite you for International Symposium on Sustainable Urban Environment (ISSUE) 2017 to be organized at the Department of Environmental Science, Tezpur University, Assam, India. ISSUE-2017 has its origin embedded in three nations, India-Japan-Sri Lankan, collaborative project on ““Development of New Water Supply Strategies in Two Watersheds of India and Sri Lanka in the context of Climate Change, Rapid Urbanization and Population Growth: A Vulnerability Assessment Approach” funded by the Asia-Pacific Network (APN)-Global Change Research (GCR) (Project reference: CRRP2016-06MY-Kumar). The symposium is cofunded by Research Centre for Water Environment Technology (RECWET), The University of Tokyo and DST-JSPS initiative under India-Japan Science Cooperation Program (IJSCP). We would like to thank all funding partners for believing in the collaboration and funding for the activity.

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