"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Brundtland Commission Report (1987)
Sustainability is not just an environmental issue; it also is concerned for social equity and economic development. Sustainability encourages the actions and decisions in terms of environmental, social, and human impact for long-term, rather than on short-term gains. It is a holistic approach that considers ecological, social and economic dimensions as recognizing that all aspects must be considered together to find solutions.
A Sustainable University Campus is one that has promoted carbon neutral energy uses, conservation of natural ecosystems, reduces the natural resource consumption and recycle or reuse the wastes into a meaningful manner. Hence, reducing the fossil fuel based energy consumption, increase the uses of non-carbon based energy sources, adopting energy efficient technology, waste recycling, increase the greenery within the campus are immediate steps towards sustainable campus initiative. The Higher Learning Institutes also has societal responsibility to improve the public’s understanding towards the concept of sustainability.
Tezpur University, being a leading higher learning institution, is committed towards sustaining the natural ecosystems, lowering ecological footprint and adopting mitigation strategies towards climate change and to do so with an institutional practice that respects and acts to protect the natural resource system.
Tezpur University aims to be a Sustainable Campus that contributes positive environmental, social benefits and engaged in sustainability-related activities.
Tezpur University is considering following five thematic areas for its mission towards sustainable campus.
Know more >>Tezpur University aims to be a Sustainable Campus that contributes positive environmental, social benefits and engages in sustainability-related activities. The way forward for each of the thematic areas is identified to make the University campus a sustainable campus. Know more >>
Audit will be carried out by external agency with adequate domain expertise on the achievement of the initiatives and to identify the gap towards the mission on Sustainable Campus Initiatives after every three years. This will help the University to prioritize the activities and required action plan.
Know more >>Students volunteers will carry out the outreach activities and to celebrate certain important days such as (i) International Sun Day on 3rd May, (ii) Earth Day on 22nd April, (iii) World Bicycle Day on 3rd June (iv) World Environment Day on 5th June, (v) World Ozone Day on 16th September etc.
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