
Our hostel Kitchen is well equipped with all the essential amenities such as refrigerator, mixer grinder, sufficient number of gas outlets, cooking utensils, kitchen chimneys, large space, and a clean environment.

Visitor's room

Spend quality time with your family while they visit you. The visitor's room provides provision for you and your family to have that personal space and family time when you encounter them after months.

Sitting area

The sitting area is for visitors and guests in the new building.

A room in the new building

The double seater rooms in the new building includes two beds,two study tables,one shelf with partition in between to separate the belongings of both the boarders and two separate wardrobes.

Basin Area

The basin area is well equipped with modern architecture and facilities for drinking water.

Security Post

The Security Maahis' are always at your service to protect you and rescue you from any difficult situation while your stay in the hostel.