Research Publications

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  • Kalita, K. & Sarma, M. K(2017) .Exploring Impulse Buying in Travel Services : A Study in the Urban Areas of Assam .in S. K. Dixit (Ed.), The Emerging Paradigms of Hospitality & Tourism : Marketing Perspectives(116-133)New Delhi : D. P. S. Publications.[978-81-928994-2-8]
  • Chutia, L. J. & Sarma, M. K(2015) .Vaishavite mask and mishing textiles in Majuli: challenges for touristic marketing .In C. Goswami, A. Bhuyan and N. Das (Eds.), Tourism and Handicrafts: A Sustainable Approach(137-148) New Delhi: Excel India Publishers.[978-93-84869106]
  • Sarma, M. K(2015) .rafts, souvenir and authenticity: An introductory discourse .In C. Goswami, A. Bhuyan and N. Das (Eds), Tourism and Handicrafts: A Sustainable Approach(122-123)New Delhi: Excel India Publishers.[978-93-84869106]
  • Sarma, M. K. & Goswami, S.(2013) .Customer Delight in the Hotel Industry: An Exploratory Study. .In S. C. Mahar & S. Uniyal (Eds.), Tourism and Hospitality Industry: Application and Role of Science & Technology(35-62)Dehradun: Shiva Offset Printers.[]
  • Sarma, M. K. & Baruah, U(2012) .Understanding the forms of tourists' expenditure: Way to economic sustainability .In M. K. Sarma, S. S. Sarkar & C. Goswami (Eds), Sustainable Tourism: Issues and Challenges,(59-68) New Delhi: MacMillan.[978-935-059-069]
  • Sarma, M. K. & Baruah, U(2012) . Sources of information and the overview of tourists' feedback in North East India .In U. K. De & M. Das (Eds.), Economy of North East India: Challenges and tasks ahead(23-31)Guwahati: Binapani Publishing House.[978-81-923329]
  • Sarma, M. K.(2004) .Destination choice pattern and tourist segments .In A. Raj (Ed.) Tourist Behaviour: A Psychological Perspective(137-149)New Delhi: Kanishka..[]
  • Sarma, M. K.(1997) .Strategic management of RBOs: Alliance or offensive in respect of multinational invasion . In D. Roy (Ed.) Strategic Management: Indian Experience(103-115)New Delhi: Gyan Publishing House..[]