Achievement of Biotech Hub, TU

Trainings, Seminar and Outreach Programs

Institutional Biotech Hub systematically organized hands on trainings, outreach programs and seminar in basic and advanced areas of Disease Biology. The workshops also included theoretical lectures by faculty members followed by laboratory practicals. Outreach trainings were also conducted for various Colleges of neighboring areas to expose the students to advanced facilities and instrumentation. Rating of the workshops was good as per feedback received from the participants.

Teaching support

Biotech Hub continued its support to teaching program of the Department by providing consumable and infrastructure support. Two practical courses namely Plant Biotechnology and Immunology were conducted with chemicals and consumables procured from Institutional Biotech Hub fund. Instruments procured through Biotech Hub are general like autoclave, freeze dryer, water purification system an SDS Page gel running system and hence are used by all the students for their general practicals, Ph.D as well as project work. Three students completed their M.Sc. dissertations using the plant tissue culture facility which was activated using consumable support from Biotech Hub. Hub supported a total of 7 M.Sc students to complete their final year Dissertation by providing consumable support.

Research support

DBT Hub fund has been also used to provide consumable support to one PhD student of the Department for ongoing PhD thesis. Hub provided partial support to one completed PhD thesis resulting two publications. In addition, DBT Hub also helped in research activity of the Department and other Departments of the University by providing infrastructure and facilities.

Output of Biotech Hub

  • 6 hands on training workshops
  • 6 outreach programs and seminar
  • 7 M.Sc. dissertations
  • 5 publications
  • One completed M.Sc. thesis
  • One ongoing PhD thesis

Upcoming Events

Hands on training workshop on “Molecular Diagnostic Techniques with emphasis to Viral Infection”