Curriculum of MSc in Mathematics

    The following courses are offered as part of the M.Sc. programme. There are mainly two type of courses, each course having some predefined credit point. A student must take all the "Core" courses. Moreover they can choose one or more "Electives" from a set of elective courses such that total credit points of all the courses(Core and Electives) taken in the programme is minimum 80.

Semester I Semester II
Abstract Algebra Complex Analysis
Linear Algebra Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations
Real Analysis Topology
Computer Programming+ Numerical Analysis+
Lebesgue Measure and Integration Computer Laboratory
Computer Laboratory Open Elective-I#

Semester III Semester IV
Partial Differential Equations Probability Theory
Functional Analysis Mathematical Methods
DSE-I Classical Mechanics
Open Elective II DSE-II
Project DSE-III

DSE-I, DSE-II and DSE-III are to be chosen from the following courses:

     Elective Courses

Advanced Topology I* Advanced Topology II
Operator Theory I* Operator Theory II
Number Theory I* Number Theory II
Advanced Analysis I Advanced Analysis II
Algebraic Number Theory Numerical linear algebra
Mathematical Logic Graph Theory
Advanced Algebra I* Advanced Algebra II
Numerical solution of Ordinary Differential Equations Numerical solution of Partial Differential Equations
Quantum Mechanics I Quantum Mechanics II
Mathematical Modelling I Mathematical Modelling II
Fourier Analysis Continuum Mechanics
General Theory of Relativity High Energy Astrophysics
Magneto Hydrodynamics & Plasma Physics I Magneto Hydrodynamics & Plasma Physics II
Sampling Techniques I Sampling Techniques II
Stochastic Processes I* Stochastic Processes II
Statistical Quality Control Reliabilty Theory
Fuzzy sets and applications-I Fuzzy sets and applications-II
Multivariate Analysis I Multivariate Analysis II
Continuum Mechanics Advanced Analysis
Electrodynamics Fluid Mechanics*
Operations Research Theory of Distribution and Sobolev Spaces
Applied matrix TheoryParallel Numerical Algorithms
Mathematical LogicElliptic Curves
Algebraic GeometryNumerical Linear Algebra
Finite Element Method*Computational Fluid Dynamics
An Introduction to Fourier TheoryWavelets and applications
Probability TheoryRelativity

  M.Sc. in Mathematical Sciences Syllabus:  

* On offer Autumn 2019 onwards

   Syllabus 2019:   Download M.Sc Maths Syllabus 2019

Learning Outcomes Based Curriculum for M.Sc