MSc in Mathematics (2 year)

    The M.Sc. course in Mathematics consists of 4 semesters comprising 80 credits in all. Besides the prescribed compulsory papers, each student has to opt for at least 4 elective papers during the course of study. The course has been designed to equip the students with theoretical knowledge as well as problem solving techniques. The academic curriculum requires each final year student to undertake a project (6 credits) in any branch of mathematics or related to mathematics to facilitate his/her independent thinking.

Intake:    53  (Reservations as per GOI rule)
Eligibility:    Students completing their graduation or who have appeared in their final year graduation  examination with major/honours in Mathematics, Physics or Statistics from a recognised  university can sit in the written test. Candidates with major/honours other than in  Mathematics must have mathematics as one of the subjects in graduation.
Admission Procedure:    The selection of students is based on admission test and/or interview conducted by the  Department. Candidates shall be selected for admission strictly based on merit (on the  basis of their performance in admission test and record of past examinations). Admission  details may be obtained from the admission related links of the main page.


Curriculum of MSc in Mathematics

    The following courses are offered as part of the M.Sc. programme. There are mainly two type of courses, core and eletive course have some predefined credit. A student must take all the "Core" courses. Moreover they are supposed to choose three more "Electives" from a set of elective courses such that total credit points of all the courses(Core and Electives) taken in the programme is minimum 80.

Semester I Semester II
Abstract Algebra Complex Analysis
Linear Algebra Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations
Real Analysis Topology
Computer Programming+ Numerical Analysis+
Lebesgue Measure and Integration Computer Laboratory
Computer Laboratory Open Elective-I#

Semester III Semester IV
Partial Differential Equations Probability Theory
Functional Analysis Mathematical Methods
DSE-I Classical Mechanics
Open Elective II DSE-II
Project DSE-III

DSE-I, DSE-II and DSE-III are to be chosen from the following courses:

     Elective Courses

Advanced Topology I* Advanced Topology II
Operator Theory I* Operator Theory II
Number Theory I* Number Theory II
Advanced Analysis I Advanced Analysis II
Algebraic Number Theory Numerical linear algebra
Mathematical Logic Graph Theory
Advanced Algebra I* Advanced Algebra II
Numerical solution of Ordinary Differential Equations Numerical solution of Partial Differential Equations
Quantum Mechanics I Quantum Mechanics II
Mathematical Modelling I Mathematical Modelling II
Fourier Analysis Continuum Mechanics
General Theory of Relativity High Energy Astrophysics
Magneto Hydrodynamics & Plasma Physics I Magneto Hydrodynamics & Plasma Physics II
Sampling Techniques I Sampling Techniques II
Stochastic Processes I* Stochastic Processes II
Statistical Quality Control Reliabilty Theory
Fuzzy sets and applications-I Fuzzy sets and applications-II
Multivariate Analysis I Multivariate Analysis II
Continuum Mechanics Advanced Analysis
Electrodynamics Fluid Mechanics*
Operations Research Theory of Distribution and Sobolev Spaces
Applied matrix TheoryParallel Numerical Algorithms
Mathematical LogicElliptic Curves
Algebraic GeometryNumerical Linear Algebra
Finite Element Method*Computational Fluid Dynamics
An Introduction to Fourier TheoryWavelets and applications
Probability TheoryRelativity

  M.Sc. in Mathematical Sciences Syllabus:  

* On offer Autumn 2019 onwards

   Syllabus 2019:   Download M.Sc Maths Syllabus 2019

Learning Outcomes Based Curriculum for M.Sc