Tezpur University

Department of Foreign Languages

विज्ञानं यज्ञं तनुते

Specialized Knowledge promotes creativity


Department of Foreign Languages

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About the Department

Tezpur University has been offering German since 2001, Chinese since 2003, and French since 2007 as foreign language courses under the Department of English and Foreign Languages. Besides conducting Certificate, Part-time, Proficiency, IDC, CBCT and Open Elective courses in Foreign Languages, customized short language courses have also been introduced in the University to meet specific requirements of the Indian armed forces personnel.

With its inception in 2019, the Department of Foreign Languages has been offering Full-time Certificate Course in Chinese and Open Elective Choice Based Credit Type Courses in German, French and Chinese languages. The Department is committed to foster professionals with competent skills in languages, intercultural communication, international affairs and cultural understanding from various nuanced perspectives. The Department envisages promoting intensive language programmes in Chinese, German, and French at various levels. It also envisions offering a wide choice of modules and scholarly engagements, across literature, translation, history, contemporary politics, culture and comparative studies.


  • To excel in foreign languages applied language skill, culture, and to be innovative as a role model for more competitive and adaptable graduates.
  • To be a genuine Department of learning, teaching and research in foreign languages, literature, culture, history, politics and translation that helps produce cultivated citizens and competent professionals to serve the Northeast, India and the world.
  • To be acknowledged locally, nationally and internationally as a first-class institute whose multilingual and multicultural dimensions of student education, scholarly output and contribution to the community consistently meet standards of excellence.
  • To be an internationally renowned institution of higher learning in research, innovation, publication, collaboration and teaching in foreign languages, literature, culture, history, politics and translation.
  • To offer courses for the study of literature, translation and linguistics in an interdisciplinary framework, from transnational and cross-cultural perspectives at undergraduate and post-graduate level.


  • To help students find relevance of learning languages, cultures, thoughts and values across the globe in the contemporary world and in their daily life.
  • To conduct quality research in foreign languages and culture, guided by history, philosophy, politics and social customs, especially in comparison to their Northeast and India counterparts.
  • To prepare students with outstanding character in the community through world class teaching, learning and research experience, including access to further degrees in foreign languages or related disciplines.
  • To provide students with the most recent and sophisticated knowledge to be leaders of the global community and job market.
  • To support students and teachers to be creative individuals through a variety of programs that foster the utmost potential of students and teachers by conducting research and professional services to society and gaining additional resources for the development of foreign language education.
  • To advance knowledge and learning through quality research and education for the nation and for humanity.

Programme Objectives

  • To preserve, teach and promote foreign languages, literature, culture, history, politics, translation, linguistics and didactics.
  • To facilitate the understanding of language, culture and values through the translation of classics as well as contemporaries.
  • To contribute towards the attainment of a high academic standard of foreign language studies in the Northeast and thereby benefit mankind and society.
  • To ensure each of our academic and teaching staff develop high quality research in the fields of foreign language education and its reflection in our teaching.
  • To promote the modernization and the internationalization of research and teaching of foreign language education, in addition to boosting academic exchanges among international foreign language education institutions.

Programme Outcomes

  • The Department of Foreign Languages through its innovative learning and teaching and research programs aims to creatively manifest the global shifts that the world has undergone in recent past.
  • At the departmental and university level a range of short term and long term scholarships programs for students and teachers can result into more intense intellectual exchange between societies and cultures.
  • Foreign language offers a gamut of lucrative opportunities in management, tourism, hospitality industry, online journalism, mass communication, airlines, and software sectors. People with a flair for a foreign language may work as translators, interpreters, announcers, online content writers, tour operators, instructors and decoders of technical jargons. They are normally employed by translation bureaus, publishing houses, industries, radio stations, trade and research organizations, government institutions and even international organizations like the UN, FAO, European Union, embassies, secretariats and consulates as well as foreign companies, diplomatic and defense establishments.