Multidisciplinary Research Journal
A Peer-Reviewed Journal by Center for Multidisciplinary Research, Tezpur University


The mission of Multidisciplinary Research Journal (MRJ) is to foster intellectual exchange and innovation by publishing high-quality, original research that bridges various disciplines of studies.


The Multidisciplinary Research Journal (MRJ) welcomes submissions that explore the connections among Humanities and Social Science, Science and Engineering, and Business and Commerce. The journal encourages research that integrates basic and applied works involving more than one discipline. Studies that address contemporary challenges and inform policy or practice are also welcome.


The journal welcomes submissions on multidisciplinary domains of research involving more than one discipline, which include, but are not limited to:

Author Guidelines

The Author Guidelines provide authors with detailed guidelines on formatting and structure for their submissions. You can download the guidelines from the link below:

Download Author Guidelines

Types of Articles

Original Research Articles

Page limit: 10
These articles must report new findings or methods having a detailed methodology, data analysis, and discussion of findings.

Case Studies

Page limit: 5
Maximum number of figures: 3
Maximum number of tables: 2
These articles must focus on in-depth discussion of a particular case reflecting multidisciplinary problems or/and solutions.

Short Communications

Page limit: 5
Maximum number of figures: 3
Maximum number of tables: 2
These are brief articles reporting novel findings, usually preliminary results, or condensed information. They emphasize concise reporting of key data.

Review Articles

Page limit: 15
These articles summarize existing research on a particular topic, and offer key perspectives.

Manuscript Structure

Manuscripts should be prepared using the provided MRJ template and include the following sections:

Title Page

Abstract (200 words max)

The abstract should summarize:

Keywords: Provide 3–10 relevant keywords.


Present the study’s background and significance. Provide a literature review and highlight key research gaps. State research objectives clearly.

Materials and Methods

Detail methodologies for reproducibility. Provide ethical approval details (if applicable). Mention publicly available datasets with accession numbers.

Results and Discussion

Present key findings with supporting figures/tables. Discuss results in the context of existing literature.


Summarize key insights without repeating results. Highlight limitations and future research directions.

Multidisciplinary Domains

State the research domains covered, e.g., “This research covers the domains: (a) XXX, (b) YYY, (c) ZZZ.”


Specify funding details or state, “This research received no external funding.”


Mention any non-funding support received.

Conflicts of Interest

Declare any conflicts or state, “The authors declare no conflict of interest.”


Number references in order of appearance [1], [2,3]. Include DOIs where available. Follow MRJ reference formatting for journals, books, theses, and websites as available in the link here.

Review Process

The journal employs a rigorous, double-blind peer review process to ensure the quality and originality of published work.

Submit Your Article

Until a journal management system is live, authors should send their articles as attachments to mrj[dot]cmdrtu[at]gmail[dot]com with the subject 'Submission of an Article', addressed to the Editor in-Chief.

Volumes and Issues

The first issue, Volume 1, Issue 1, has been inaugurated on 21 January 2025. All volumes and issues can be accessed for free here.

Frequency of Publication

Quarterly: January, April, July, October

Open Access

All the articles published in the journal are open access with copyright reservations.

Article Processing Charges

To promote quality and accessibility of research, there is zero article processing charges (APCs) for publishing in this journal. These charges are currently covered by Tezpur University.

Editorial Board


Prof. Shambhu Nath Singh
Vice-Chancellor, Tezpur University, Napaam, Sonitpur District, Assam 784028, India
E-mail: vc[AT]tezu[dot]ernet[dot]in
View Profile:


Prof. Debendra Chandra Baruah
Director, Center for Multidisciplinary Research, Tezpur University, Napaam, Sonitpur District, Assam 784028, India
E-mail: baruahd[AT]tezu[dot]ernet[dot]in
View Profile:

Deputy Editors-in-Chief

Associate Editors

Production Editors:

Publisher Information

Publisher: Tezpur University

Address: Tezpur University, Napaam, Sonitpur District, Assam 784028, India

Website: Click here.

Contact Information

Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Debendra Chandra Baruah, Director, Center for Multidisciplinary Research, Tezpur University

Address: Center for Multidisciplinary Research, Tezpur University, Assam 784028, India

Email: mrj[dot]cmdrtu[at]gmail[dot]com