Publications of the Centre
- "Srimanta Sankaradeva And His Times: Some Further Historical Probings", 7th Srimanta Sankaradeva Lecture, 15-Sep-2016(3.30PM), Council Hall
- "Tagore's 'Puja' Songs in the Background of 'Bhakti'", 6th Srimanta Sankaradeva Lecture, 15-Sep-2015(3.30PM), Council Hall
- “Sankardeva in the Koch Kingdom” Special Lecture delivered by Hon’ble Governor of Arunachal Pradesh, Shri J. P. Rajkhowa on 23 September, 2015
- "Deprovincialising Srimanta Sankaradeva" Lecture delivered in the National Seminar on “Approaches to Srimanta Sankaradeva: Text, Performance, Representation and History” on 5 and 6 August, 2015