Current projects:
23. On Algebraic Connectivity and Laplacian Spectral Radius of Graphs.
Principal Investigator: Dr. D. Kalita
Funding Agency: DST-SERB
Amount: Rs. 6.6 Lakhs/-
Duration: Three years (2019-2022)
22. On pareto eigenvalue of distance matrix of connected graphs.
Principal Investigator: Prof. M. Nath
Funding Agency: DST-SERB
Amount: Rs. 6.6 Lakhs/-
Duration: Three years (2019-2022)
21. A study on exact generating functions and congruences for partition functions associated to Ramanujan’s mock theta functions and other related functions.
Principal Investigator: Prof. N.D. Baruah
Funding Agency: DST-SERB
Amount: Rs. 6.6 Lakhs/-
Duration: Three years (2019-2022)
20. A Study of controllability of Navier-Stokes Equations with Navier boundary conditions.
Principal Investigator: Dr. R. Haloi
Funding Agency: DST-SERB
Amount: Rs. 6.6 Lakhs/-
Duration: Three years (2019-2022)
19. A Study of Navier-Stokes Equations with Navier boundary conditions.
Principal Investigator: Dr. R. Haloi
Funding Agency: NBHM
Amount: Rs. 12.93 Lakhs/-
Duration: Three years (2019-2022)
18. Point and interval estimation of somefunctionals of the distribution function of identically distributed random variables and their sums withapplications.
Principal Investigator: Prof. S. Dutta
Funding Agency: DST-SERB
Amount: Rs. 6.6 Lakhs/-
Duration: Three years (2019-2022)
17. Development of dispersion, dissipation characteristics preserving finite difference schemes for fluid flow problems
Principal Investigator: Dr. S. Sen
Funding Agency: DST-SERB
Amount: Rs. 6.6 Lakhs/-
Duration: Three years (2018-2021)
Completed projects:
16. UGC-BSR Research Start-up-Grant
Principal Investigator: Dr. D. Goswami
Amount: Rs. 6,00000/-
Duration: Two years (2014-2016)
15. Development, Evaluation and Application of Algorithms for Analysis, Estimation and forecasting of Natural Hazards: Application to North East India
Principal Investigator: Dr. M. Borah
Sponsor: CSIR
Amount: Rs. 16,00000/-
Duration: Three years
14. Creation of Specialized Manpower in Computational Seismology (M. Tech. Programme)
Principal Investigator: Dr. M. Borah
Sponsor: DST, New Delhi
Amount: Rs 1,76,370,00/
Duration: Five years
13. Bankline Migration of the river Brahmaputra due to Erosion: A case study on a selected intensive test site (Dhemaji Region) based on Satellite Imageries.
Principal Investigator: Dr. M. Borah
Sponsor: ISRO
Amount: Rs 7,08,000
Duration: Three years
12. Iwasawa Theory of Lubin-Tate division towers and a lemma of Coleman
Principal Investigator: Rupam Barman
Sponsor: UGC
Amount: Rs. 1,25,000/-
Duration: 2 years(2010-2012)
11. Modelling of Flood Hazards with Special Reference to North-East India
Principal Investigator: S. Deka (Research Scholar)
Sponsor: DST
Amount: Rs. 5, 76,000.00/-
Duration: 3 years
10. A Study of k-hyponormality as a Bridge between Subnormality and Hyponormality
Principal Investigator: M. Hazarika
Sponsor: DST
Amount: Rs. 2,82,000.00/-
Duration: 3 years
9. A study of computational aspects of connectedness and its variations in some classes of topological spaces
Principal Investigator: D. Hazarika
Sponsor: UGC
Amount: Rs. 1,40,000.00/-
Duration: 2 years
8. Biharmonic formulation of incompressible viscous fluid and its numerical simulation by higher order compact schemes
Principal Investigator: S.Sen
Sponsor: UGC
Amount: Rs. 1,20,000.00/-
Duration: 2 years
7. Finite Element Methods for Singularly perturbed Differential Equations with Discontinuous Coefficients
Principal Investigator: B. Deka
Sponsor: DST
Amount: Rs. 2,50,000,00/-
Duration: 3 years
6. Smooth Bootstrap estimation of various measures of accuracy and bandwidth selection for kernel density estimators
Principal Investigator: S. Dutta
Sponsor: DST
Amount: Rs. 1,11,000,00/-
Duration: 2 years
5. Use of Genetic Algorithms in Solving Some Combinatorial Optimization Problems of Large Systems.
Principal Investigator: Dr. M. Borah
Sponsor: U.G.C
Amount: Rs. 4,52,560
Duration: 3(Three) years
4. Application of GIS in Delineating the Malaria Prone Areas in Sonitpur district of Assam.
Principal Investigator: Dr. M. Borah
Sponsor: DRDO
Amount: Rs.2,48,000/-
Duration: Ten months
3. Dynamics of Rural and Socio- Economic Development of Assam: A Pilot Study
Principal Investigator: Dr. M. Borah
Sponsor: ICSSR
Amount: Rs. 10,000/-
Duration: Three months
2. Ramanujan's theory of theta functions and modular equations with applications to his continued fractions and related fields
Principal Investigator: Dr. N. Deka Baruah
Sponsor: DST
Amount: Rs 1,80,000/-
Duration: 3 years (June, 2003-June, 06)
1. Continuation of potential field data in an Irregular terrain and determination of point To point depth to the basement in the sub-Himalayan basin
Principal Investigator: S. K. Laskar
Sponsor: DST
Amount: Rs. 605,000/-
Duration: 3 years