Curriculum of Integrated M.Sc. in Mathematics

    The following courses are offered as part of the Integrated M.Sc. programme.

Semester I Semester II
Physics-I Physics-II
Chemistry-I Physics-Lab
Chemistry-Lab Chemistry-II
Biology-I Biology-Lab
Mathematics-I Mathematics-II
Foundation of Mathematics Real Analysis-II
Real Analysis-I Group Theory
Communicative English Environmental Studies

Mathematics-I and Mathematics-II are only for students not having Mathematics major
Semester III Semester IV
Introductory Statistics & Probability Introductory ODE & PDE
Calculas-I Linear Algebra-I
Combinatorics Co-ordinate Geometry
Physics-III Numerical Methods and Boolean Algebra
Chemistry-III Thermodynamics and Optics/ Introductory Topology
Mathematics-III Disaster Management
Introduction to Scientific Computing
National Service Scheme

Mathematics-III is only for students having Physics and Chemistry major
Semester V Semester VI
Calculas-II Ring Theory
Programming, Algorithm and Mathematical Software Elementary Number Theory
Statics and Dynamics Introduction to Optimization
Elementary Complex Analysis Elementary Integral Transforms and Special Functions
Graph Theory Seminar
Elementary Coding and Information Theory

Semester VII Semester VIII
Abstract Algebra Complex Analysis
Linear Algebra-II Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations
Real Analysis-III Topology
Computer Programming Numerical Analysis
Lebesgue Measure and Integration Computer Lab
Computer Lab Open Elective-I

Computer Lab is a separate practical unit of Computer Programming course
Open Elective-I will be notified by Controller of Examination time to time
Semester IX Semester X
Partial Differential Equations Probability Theory
Functional Analysis Mathematical Methods
DSE-I Classical Mechanics
Open Elective-II DSE-II
Project DSE-III

DSE-I, DSE-II and DSE-III are to be chosen from the following couses:
     Elective Courses

Fluid Mechanics Electrodynamics
Relativity Operations Research
Elliptic Curves Algebraic Number Theory
Numerical Linear Algebra Operator Theory-I
Advanced Algebra-I Quantum Mechanics-I
Mathematical Modeling-I General Theory of Relativity
Sampling Techniques-I Statistical Quality Control
Multivariate Analysis-I Fuzzy Sets and Applications-I
Fourier Analysis Continuum Mechanics
Theory of Distribution and Sobolev Spaces Operator Theory –II
Analytic Number Theory Advanced Algebra-II
Quantum Mechanics –II Mathematical Modeling-II
Sampling Techniques-II Stochastic processes –II
Reliability Theory Multivariate Analysis-II
Fuzzy Sets and Applications-II Parallel Numerical Algorithms
Finite Element Method Applied Matrix Theory
Computational Fluid Dynamics Wavelets and Applications
Advanced Topology-I Numerical Solutions of ODE
Advanced Topology-II Numerical Solutions of PDE
Algebraic Geometry

   Syllabus:  Download Integrated M.Sc Maths Syllabus (for 2018 entry batch onwards)

Learning Outcomes Based Curriculum for Integrated M.Sc