Publication (2016)

International Journal
  1. Bordoloi N., Narzari R., Sut D., Saikia R., Chutia R.S., Kataki R. (2016). Characterization of bio-oil and its sub-fractions from pyrolysis of Scenedesmus dimorphus. Renewable Energy, 98, 245-253.
  2. Brahma A., Saikia K., Hiloidhari M., Baruah D.C. (2016). GIS based planning of a biomethanation power plant in Assam, India. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 62, 596-608.
  3. Boro B., Rajbongshi B.M., Samdarshi S.K. (2016). Synthesis and fabrication of TiO2 -ZnO nanocomposite based solid state dye sensitized solar cell. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 27(9), 9929-9940.
  4. Bora P., Boro J., Konwar L.J., Deka D. (2016). Formulation of microemulsion based hybrid biofuel from waste cooking oil - A comparative study with biodiesel. Journal of the Energy Institute, 89(4), 560-568.
  5. Bora P., Boro J., Konwar L.J., Deka D. (2016). A comparative study of Mesua ferrea L. based hybrid fuel with diesel fuel and biodiesel. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 38(9), 1279-1285.
  6. Bora P., Konwar L.J., Deka D. (2016). Microemulsion based hybrid biofuels using glycerol monooleate. Energy Conversion and Management, 117, 185, 192.
  7. Borah N., Barua R., Nath D., Hazarika K., Phukon A., Goswami K., Baruah D. C. (2016). Low Energy Rice Stubble Management through in Situ Decomposition. Procedia Environmental Sciences 35, 771-780.
  8. Chutia R.S., Phukan M.M., Kataki R., Bhaskar T., Konwar B.K. (2016). Exploitation of Pongamia glabra deoiled cake for alternate energy: Physico-chemical characterization and thermogravimetric studies. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 38(1), 29-36.
  9. Devi, A., Das, V. K., Deka, (2016). D. Ginger extract as a nature based robust additive and its influence on the oxidation stability of biodiesel synthesized from non-edible oil, Fuel, 187, 306-314. 
  10. Devi, A., Das, V., Deka, D. (2016). Catalytic Transformation of Four Non-Edible Vegetable Oils into Biodiesel using Egg Shell (Cao) as A Catalyst and Assessment of Their Fuel Properties, International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology 2016, 5 (8), 16-19.
  11. Gogoi B., Baruah D.C. (2016). Steady state heat transfer modeling of solid fuel biomass stove: Part 1. Energy, 97, 283-295.
  12. Goswami R., Shim J., Deka S., Kumari D., Kataki R., Kumar M. (2016). Characterization of cadmium removal from aqueous solution by biochar produced from Ipomoea fistulosa at different pyrolytic temperatures. Ecological Engineering, 97, 444-451.
  13. Kataki S, West H, Clarke M., Baruah D. (2016). Phosphorus recovery as struvite: Recent concerns for use of seed, alternative Mg source, nitrogen conservation and fertilizer potential. Resources Conservation & Recycling. 107, 142-156.
  14. Kataki S., West H., Clarke M., Baruah D.C. (2016). Phosphorus recovery as struvite from farm, municipal and industrial waste: Feedstock suitability, methods and pre-treatments. Waste Management, 49, 437-454.
  15. Kalita, P., Dewan, A., Borah, S. (2016). A review on recent developments in solar distillation units. Sadhana. 41(2), 203-223.
  16. Konwar L.J., Sugano Y., Chutia R.S., Shchukarev A., Mäki-Arvela P., Kataki R., Mikkola J.-P. (2016). Sustainable synthesis of N and P co-doped porous amorphous carbon using oil seed processing wastes. Materials Letters, 173, 145-148.
  17. Konwar L.J., Mäki-Arvela P., Kumar N., Mikkola J.-P., Sarma A.K., Deka D. (2016). Selective esterification of fatty acids with glycerol to monoglycerides over SO3H functionalized carbon catalysts. Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, 119(1), 121-138.
  18. Kumar A., Baruah D.C. (2016). Performance of lugged cage wheel for wetland cultivation. Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, 18(3), 113-118.
  19. Malik P., Srivastava M., Verma R., Kumar M., Kumar D., Singh J. (2016). Nanostructured SnO 2 encapsulated guar-gum hybrid nanocomposites for electrocatalytic determination of hydrazine. Materials Science and Engineering: C 58, 432-441.
  20. Micheli L., Fernandez E., Sarmah N., Senthilarasu S., Reddy K. S., Mallick T. K. (2016). Small volume Fabrication of a 144 Cell Assembly for High Concentrating Photovoltaic Receivers. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering.  138, 0310081- 03100810.
  21. Nair R.G., Bharadwaj P.J., Samdarshi S.K. (2016). Design improvement and performance evaluation of solar photocatalytic reactor for industrial effluent treatment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 134, 301-307.
  22. Patowary D., West H., Clarke M., Baruah D.C. (2016). Biogas Production from Surplus Plant Biomass Feedstock: Some Highlights of Indo-UK R&D Initiative.  Procedia Environmental Sciences, 35, 785-794.
  23. Ramchiary A., Samdarshi S.K., Shripathi T. (2016). Hydrogenated mixed phase Ag/TiO2 nanoparticle - A super-active photocatalyst under visible radiation with multi-cyclic stability. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 155, 117-127.
  24. Sedai P., Kalita D., Deka D. (2016). Assessment of the fuel wood of India: A case study based on fuel characteristics of some indigenous species of Arunachal Pradesh. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 38(7), 891-897.
  25. Shanks K., Sarmah N., Ferrer-Rodriguez J.P., Senthilarasu S., Reddy K.S., Fernández E.F., Mallick T. (2016). Theoretical investigation considering manufacturing errors of a high concentrating photovoltaic of cassegrain design and its experimental validation. Solar Energy, 131, 235-245.
  26. Singh M.K., Attia S., Mahapatra S., Teller J. (2016). Assessment of thermal comfort in existing pre-1945 residential building stock. Energy, 98, 122-134.
  27. Sut D., Chutia R.S., Bordoloi N., Narzari R., Kataki R. (2016). Complete utilization of non-edible oil seeds of Cascabela thevetia through a cascade of approaches for biofuel and by-products Bioresource Technology, 213, 111-120.
  28. Talukdar B., Buragohain S., Kumar S., Umakanth V., Sarmah N., Mahapatra S. (2016). Effect of spectral response of solar cells on the module output when individual cells are shaded. Solar Energy, 137, 303-307.
  29. Verma R., Samdarshi S.K. (2016). In situ decorated optimized CeO2 on reduced graphene oxide with enhanced adsorptivity and visible light photocatalytic stability and reusability. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120, 39, 22281-22290.