

International Journal

  1. Hiloidhari M, Baruah D C. Rice straw residue biomass potential for decentralized electricity generation: a GIS based study in Lakhimpur district of Assam, India.  Energy for Sustainable Development (Special Issue: Delivery of off-grid electrification in developing countries). 2011; 15: 214-222.

  2. Gogoi T.K. and Baruah D.C. The use of Koroch seed oil methyl ester blends as fuel in a diesel engine. Applied Energy 2011; 88: 2713-2725

  3. Hiloidhari, M. and Baruah D.C. Crop residue biomass for decentralized electrical power generation in rural areas (part 1): Investigation of spatial availability. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2011; 15 : 1885-1892.

  4. Hatibaruah D. Baruah D.C. Sanyal S. Modeling desorption isotherms and thermodynamic properties of Assam CTC manufactured from tea cultivar T3E3, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 2011; 35: 729-738

  5. Gogoi TK, Baruah D C. Performance and energy analyses of a diesel engine fuelled with Koroch seed oil methyl ester and its diesel fuel blends. Int. J. Energy Technology and Policy 2011; 7(5/6), 433-454.

  6. Chaturvedi A, and S K Samdarshi. Energy, Economy and Development (EED) Triangle: Concerns for India. Energy Policy 2011; 39(8) : 4651-4655.

  7. Nair, Ranjith. G., A. M. Tripathi and S. K. Samdarshi. Photocatalytic activity of predominantly rutile mixed phase Ag/TiV oxide nanoparticles under visible light irradiation. Energy 2011; 36 : 3342-3347.

  8. Nair, Ranjith G. Jetendra Kumar Roy, S. K. Samdarshi, A. K. Mukherjee, Enhanced visible light photocatalytic disinfection of gram negative, pathogenic Escherichia coli bacteria with Ag/TiV oxide nanoparticles. Colloids and surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2011, 86 : 7-13

  9. Nair, Ranjith. G., Samrat Paul, S. K. Samdarshi (2011)  High UV/Visible light activity of mixed phase titania: A generic mechanism, Solar Energy Materials and Solar cells, 95, 1901-1907

  10. Paul Samrat and S K Samdarshi.  A green precursor for carbon nanotube synthesis, New carbon materials 2011; 26(2), 85-88

  11. Suhas R. Patil, U. G. Akpan, B. H. Hameed, S. K. Samdarshi . A comparative study of photocatalytic efficiency of Degussa P25, Qualigens and Hombikat UV-100 in the degradation kinetic of congo red dye. Desalination and Water Treatment, 46, 188-195, 2012
  12. Boro J., Thakur, A. J and Deka. D. Solid oxide derived from waste shells of Turbonilla   striatula as a renewable catalyst for biodiesel production. Fuel Processing Technology 2011; 92 (10), 2061-2067

  13. Konwar LJ, Boro J and Deka D., Activated carbon supported CaO prepared from waste mollusk shells as heterogeneous catalyst for biodiesel production. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and  Environmental Effects. DOI: 10.1080/15567036.2012.7334832012

  14. Baruah P.K., Deka D. and Dixit U.S.  2011. Mathematical Modelling of Change of Temperature in Pulsating Heat Pipes with Single Loops. International Journal of Energy, Information and Communications,  2(1), 33-52.

  15. Manoj Kumar Singh. Sadhan Mahapatra. S. K. Atreya. Solar passive features in vernacular architecture of North-East India. Solar Energy. 2011: 85(9), 2011-2022.

  16. Manoj Kumar Singh. Sadhan Mahapatra. S. K. Atreya. Adaptive thermal comfort model for different climatic zones of North-East India. Applied Energy. 2011: 88(7), 2420-2428

  17. Phukan MM. Chutia RS Konwar BK.  Kataki R. Microalgae Chlorella as a potential bio-energy feedstock. Applied Energy 88 (2011) 3307-3312