
SparQ Java (SparQJ)  is  a GUI with a simple bundle of classes, allowing the end-user to access SparQ directly from the interface by entering the specific queries without going through the command line based initialization procedure in a terminal.

Click here to download the jar File


SparQJ  have following methods

Constructor Summary

Constructs an SparQJ object



public SparQJ ()

Constructs an Attribute object which initializes a result string with null value.


An empty Constructor.



Method Summary


String getCommandOutPut(String pathOfSparq,String module,String calculus,String moduleSpecificPara)

Return Result String of that query

String getCommandOutPut(String pathOfSparq,String command)

Return Result String of that query



public String getCommandOutPut(String pathOfSparq,String module,String calculus,String moduleSpecificPara)

Return  the output of the command in string format  by taking the installed path of  SparQ ,specific module, specific calculus type , module specific parameters as input parameter




pathOfSparq - The installed path sparq

module  - The module is  specified.

Calculus- Calculus type is specified.

moduleSpecificPara- Paremeters specific to that module






public String getCommandOutPut(String pathOfSparq,String command),

Return  the output of the command in string format  by taking the installed path of  SparQ ,specific module, specific calculus type , module specific parameters as input parameter


pathOfSparq - The installed path SparQ

module  - Specify entire command as a parameter The module is  specified.



Example 1

Example of  how to use the class


1.Add that  *.jar file in that class path


2.Following two snapshots will show how to use the GUI application .








Click here to download Source Code for Example 1


Example 2

This Example shows us how we can write java application to access SparQ using TCP connection.

Click here to download Source Code for Example 2


Future Extensions

We are planning to include required modules and classes  for remote TCP interaction with SparQ and XML based communination  to provide a server-client based service, so that client machines can access the service from installed SparQJ program in servers through client UIs.

Contact Details:

Pritom Rajkhowa


Abhijit Boruah

Email Id: